Friday, August 18, 2006

A few thoughts, in case anyone might be interested....

1) So, in case anyone gets worried, this is still APN. No one has hijacked my blog's HTML and screwed things up. I just wanted to spruce up the look of my page -- I was getting a bit tired of the soft pink/magenta/violet color scheme that I had going there. The content and context haven't changed, just the color spectrum.

2) I'm getting back to my screenplay. Yes, you did read that correctly. After 9 months away, I'm taking charge of my creativity and bringing greater focus to my writing as never before. Thus, if you've never read the 6 scenes I have posted, go take a look at Like Augustine and tell me what you think. And to those of you who HAVE read those scenes before, well, be prepared for some changes. There won't be any true style changes, but I'm hoping to bring a bit more structure and definition to the characters and their personalities, as well as some cohesion to the direction of any plot that might and/or needs to emerge.


3) I feel excited about life -- where I'm going, how I'm getting there, and who's traveling with me. As tumultuous, trying, tremulous, and terrible as July was, I feel that I'm on the brink of something beautiful, wonderful, and beyond anything I've ever attempted to plan on my own. By leaving behind my small imagination and limited scope of perspective, I have allowed myself to be made over and made new by my Creator, as never before. All love and praise goes out to my Creator, Saviour, and Sustainer, as well as the people, places, and occurrences that are in my life.

Peace to you all.



Blogger LKH said...

i'm quite glad to hear all of that!

Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:12:00 AM  

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